Sunday, May 17, 2009

Flight 1232, Now Balding

The scene:  Salt Lake International Airport, July 2007.

JD: (to himself) I wonder if the unbelievably tiny, freckle-laden woman sitting next to me is Christina Applegate.

Woman sitting next to him: (on the phone) Hi, this is Chris.  Yada, yada . . .

JD:  (to himself)  What was that movie called where she played a flight attendant?

Christina:  Hi, are you flying to Phoenix?

JD: No.

Christina:  Did you hear the announcement they just made?

JD:  Yes.  Yada, yada . . .  Are you Christina Applegate?

Christina:  Laughs.  I am.

JD:  It feels very natural to see you here since I saw the movie where you played a flight attendant.  

Christina: Laughs.  That was a fun movie to do.  Can I rub your head?

JD:  Sure.

After a good rub of the freshly-shaved head, she walked off to catch her flight.  A few months later, she has won myriad awards for her new show, she has triumphed over a battle with breast cancer, and now, a year and a half later, she is on the cover of People's "100 Most Beautiful" issue. 

So next time you see him, you may want to give JD's head a rub for luck.

Respect Your Elders

Yesterday I went with my sister Sara to get a pedicure.  I am four years and seven months older than she is.

The girl working on my feet looked at both of us and then asked if I was Sara's mother.  And I still gave her a good tip (must have been the dementia setting in).

Which reminds me:

A few months ago, JD was pushing Macy through the hospital cafeteria when a worker leaned down to the stroller and tried to engage Macy.  When Macy turned to look up at JD, the worker asked "oh, is that your grandpa?"  

I'm not sure which is worse. 

Friday, May 8, 2009

Macy's New 'Do

Every day while bathing Macy I am amazed at just how long her hair is.  Today we decided to straighten it to see how it looks. The back is a good four inches longer than the front. I think it makes her look so grown up. Crazy huh?

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