Tuesday, July 12, 2011

2011 Summer: Part One

Grammy and Grandpa are home after three years!

not pictured: trip to the zoo, swimming, birthday parties, playing at parks, walks, bike rides, family events and playing with cousins.  

This is our first "out of school for summer" summer. We are making sure to pack in the fun. We are trying to catch up this week with quiet time in the backyard, snuggling up on the couch reading (mostly the same favorite books over and over), cleaning the house, and finishing a few projects.  We will then be ready to pack in the activities for the last six weeks of summer.

Tiny Parties

I love planning parties!  Especially for the little ones I love best. We had a tiny party for Julia. We ate tiny hamburgers, taquitos, mini corndogs, mini watermelon, mini veggies, mini sodas and waters. Macy and I made mini pinatas for all the kids. I realize I go overboard but I love it, it is my creative outlet. She got the most adorable gifts and sincerely loves them all.

Like always one of my favorite details was JD's additions. The front of the invitation read, "a teeny cake, a ton of fun, a tiny girl is turning one." JD added to the back, "DISCLAIMER: Julia is tiny compared to the average human being.  Next to another baby, she might not appear tiny."

I have a post coming on Julia's birth story and all the reasons we love her so much.  

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sumer 2011 Photo Shoot

When my sister Rebecca was in town I made (!) her take pictures of my girls. She is such a talented photographer. Here are more than a few of my favorites.


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