We had a bubble party for Julia's birthday. It turned out to be a really windy day which was really disappointing for me because it limited what we had planned but it was out of my control.
The bubbles had to be relocated inside because of the wind. As the party was starting we were chasing huge garbage bags full of balloons that were blowing over the fence. |
Rosie and Juju have a special bond. It is really cute. Anywhere we went all summer Rosie took care of Julia.
Huge bubbles (really hard with the wind, I think we only got it to really work once) |
JD built this adorable kitchen for her present. They all love it and play with it a ton. |
We love Julia so much. She is so sweet and hilarious. She is the snuggliest little girl. Older kids LOVE her and try so hard to gain her affection and she makes them really work for it. We are so blessed to have her in our family.