Friday, July 4, 2008

Jam Packed June

We packed so much into June. We had a Summerhays week long Stay-cation. In one week, we went to the zoo, the Children's museum, boating and the park. We also had a waterslide day at the Oettli's, took family pictures, and Grammy and Grampy's farewell. Phew! We even survived Macy's first fat lip from a wild slide ride at the park.

Macy has loved every minute because it was all about cousins (we were lucky enough to see all our cousins from both sides of the family in one week), animals and water.

We were also so sad to say goodbye to Grammy and Grandpa. We can't wait to come and visit.


Heather Ashby July 7, 2008 at 8:52 AM  

Cute pictures! It was so great to see you guys. We should get together more often. I am glad you have a blog now so we can keep in touch better, seems how you're so far away :)

Katie July 7, 2008 at 11:27 PM  

I LOVE the one of Macy with her face in the water toy. I've said it before but she is too cute for words! Kalli and I were commenting that neither of us have ever heard her cry or even seen a sad face. I just wish we could see her (and you!) more!

Andrus Family July 14, 2008 at 8:20 AM  

Hey, Ryan just barely showed me your blog and I LOVE it! All of the Macy pics are so adorable - she is too cute!

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