Friday, October 9, 2009

Peace Field

JD is currently reading a biography on John Adams. John Adams had a cabin he would retreat to when life was crazy and he called it "Peace Field". Our Peace Field is my parents' home in St. George. We retreated to St. George for almost a week in early October. We had such a great time swimming, going on walks, playing at the park, and relaxing. We, meaning Macy and me. JD had to work the majority of the time but made sure to make time for lizard catching.

The best part was Corey, Sara, Brady and Abby joined us for the weekend and Jono, Jenn, Bud, Rosie and Coleman for one night.

Macy does not do bedtime away from home very well. The night the Oettlis stayed, Rosie was the one to get her to sleep.

As a side note, later in John Adams's life, when he considered himself a realist, he renamed Peacefield "Stony Field." This name also really struck a chord with JD as he has chronic kidney stones and St. George has seen many of his worst moments of pain.


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