Thursday, October 28, 2010

California Road Trip

* I can't get all the pictures to center.  I have tried for way too long.  Does anyone know how to fix this?  It is making me insane**

On our way to Disneyland we made a stop for one night in St. George and a very fun night and day stay with my sister, Rebecca, and her family in California.  We hadn't seen their amazing new home, and love her cooking, but best of all we got to spend quality time with them.  Macy was slow to warm up but loved the girls, especially the dance parties in the family room.  Brookelyn and Katelyn loved Julia and held her all day.  

Macy slept half the night in Maddie's room but ended up with us.  Maddie woke up and told Rebecca,"you know that girl that was sleeping in my room. . . I lost her."  They are very funny girls and kept us laughing the whole time.
And then we were off to California Adventure and Disneyland.

We spent the first day at California Adventure.  Macy was a little sick but just kept going, even after throwing up.  Our favorite part of the day was the Pixar parade.  Macy kept saying "wow!"

On day two, we were lucky to meet the my sister and her girls at Disneyland.  That day it rained and rained and rained.  We put on our ponchos and stayed until closing and had a good time despite being completely soaked.  It took two days for my shoes to dry out.  That night JD snuck off to the Jazz/Lakers game.  
The third day we did a mix of the two parks and everything was perfect.  No rain, healthy kiddos and not much of a crowd.  We made sure to see the Pixar parade again and stayed for the Color Wonder show.

We bought three day park hopper passes but after a mix up with our pass they comped us a day and we squeezed in several hours on the fourth day before driving back.  We were so happy to have more time there and were completely worn out by the time we made it to the car.

Macy is the perfect age to catch the magic and we thoroughly enjoyed watching her soak it all in. Julia was perfect and I was very surprised by how many rides we could take her on.  

JD's favorite ride was the California Adventures Toy Story ride, Macy's was the huge Ferris Wheel and my favorite part was the Dumbo ride with Macy in the rain. It was freezing and wet and Macy and I were just laughing and laughing. 

We made sure to get a picture of Julia's chipmunk cheeks with Chip

Macy's Musings June-October

Instead of saying "me too" she always says "me either" (pronounced me eader).  It makes for some very funny conversations.

"I'm franking out!"  instead of freaking out.

Macy quickly aligned with JD after Julia was born.  She insists that she came out of his tummy and would like to have all her hair cut off to look just like dad.

While I was in the hospital, Macy wanted nothing to do with me and she still talks about the "itchy" dress I wore everytime we go to Costco (which is right by the hospital).  She told me that when she has a baby she will wear a "soft and fluffy dress." 

Macy loves to call Julia "the tiny one" and talk about how "cute and healthy" she is. And now she calls herself the medium-size girl.  She will not tolerate being called the little or  big girl -- she is medium.

She says "everything you know" to start most sentences.

The other day she told me "Mom, this is really pertinent."  I made her repeat it several times to see if that was really what she was saying.  

JD was expaining who is siblings are and she quickly asked how did you all fit in Gangy's tummy...

She consistently calls the changing pad the padding change.

For the weeks leading up to her first day of school she kept telling us how she was going to preschoolgarten.

We were looking at the books at Target and she asked if Susan Boyle was x's mom.  I won't say who (it's not a family member).  But I thought it was very funny!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Julia at Four Months

 four month stats
weight: 16 pounds 6 ounces (94%)
height: 25 inches (76%)
head circumference: 15.75 inches (21%)

Julia loves to sleep with her hands above her head. 
This time she raised her leg in the air too.

Juju loves to stick her tongue out.  
While trying to get a good picture of her in her blessing dress 
I got about 20 pictures of her with her tongue out.

Julia has started sleeping eleven hours most nights.  She found  her hands this month and loves to snack on them and intertwine them under her chin.  She will smile at anyone willing to humiliate themselves with syrupy baby talk.  JuJu is a serious drooler and loves blowing bubbles.  She loves to coo and talk. She got her first bouquet of flowers -- from her dad, of course.

Julia was a perfect traveler, making our trip to Disneyland very fun. I love how she smiles with her whole body--she pulls her legs to her chest, flaps her arms and opens her mouth wide while tilting her head to the side. 

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