Macy's Musings June-October
Instead of saying "me too" she always says "me either" (pronounced me eader). It makes for some very funny conversations.
Macy quickly aligned with JD after Julia was born. She insists that she came out of his tummy and would like to have all her hair cut off to look just like dad.
While I was in the hospital, Macy wanted nothing to do with me and she still talks about the "itchy" dress I wore everytime we go to Costco (which is right by the hospital). She told me that when she has a baby she will wear a "soft and fluffy dress."
Macy loves to call Julia "the tiny one" and talk about how "cute and healthy" she is. And now she calls herself the medium-size girl. She will not tolerate being called the little or big girl -- she is medium.
She says "everything you know" to start most sentences.
The other day she told me "Mom, this is really pertinent." I made her repeat it several times to see if that was really what she was saying.
JD was expaining who is siblings are and she quickly asked how did you all fit in Gangy's tummy...
She consistently calls the changing pad the padding change.
For the weeks leading up to her first day of school she kept telling us how she was going to preschoolgarten.
We were looking at the books at Target and she asked if Susan Boyle was x's mom. I won't say who (it's not a family member). But I thought it was very funny!
You'll be so glad you wrote those down - they made me laugh out loud. What 2 beautiful girls you have!
I love to hear all the funny things she says!
Kids are so funny the way they talk. How could we ever be sad because they make us laugh so hard.
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