Why We Just Might Be the Most Boring People Alive
What we are reading?

What the heck is Modern American Usage, you ask? It's essentially just a book about grammar. He is reading it cover to cover for the SECOND time.

I am also reading this cover to cover for the second time and still chuckling to myself as I read. I have also interrupted JD on several occasions with, "You gotta hear this..."
Now I know this sounds boring, but did you know that you can clean the toilet with Tang? Tang! And did you know that, according to Bryan Garner (grammar expert extraordinaire), it is perfectly acceptable to start sentences with and or but? But please don't start them with however. (Yes, this does mean that we were all lied to by teachers from elementary school through college. Vouchers aren't looking so bad now, are they?)
May I please borrow your book to read when you are finished? (Laura, not JD) However, I mean And, if you can recognize that you are boring; you are not nearly as boring as you think!
Remember how you made J.D. promise not to tell me about my apostrophe issues? Knowing that he is reading that book makes me nervous. Tell him I appreciate the constructive criticism.
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