Monday, August 17, 2009

Children's Discovery Museum

We rode Trax down to the Gateway to go the museum with the Oettlis and the Cooks. The museum is so much fun and Buddy, like always, took good care of Macy. It is truly adorable and she worships him. He is such a nice boy. I will his help when school starts.

We played in the fountains after the museum. Well, the Oettlis played in the fountains while Macy ran away to ride the elevator and escalator.

After our long day, Jenn and I were commenting as we were on Trax on the way home how smoothly everything has gone. That was when a man on the train told us we were on the University line. So, a little detour and we made it home. It was Macy's first Trax ride and she liked it a lot. We love all the fun we have had this summer with our cousins.

P.S.  I wanted to show the adorable train Buddy painted for Macy.  He put her name on it and the number two for her age.  


Jenn O. September 21, 2009 at 11:05 AM  

Bud loves all his little cousins and he and Macy have a special bond. The little train turned out so adorable. He really wanted to paint the train for Macy and he packed it in his bag for a project when you babysat him for 3 days. Thanks Laura and Macy!

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