Sunday, July 1, 2012

Macy's First Loose Teeth

Macy lost her first tooth on Father's day. Grampy pulled it for her in front of a large crowd of aunts, uncles, and cousins. She was too intimidated by the crowd to cry and had to be brave. But when the tooth next to it was loose a few weeks later, she waited until it fell out by itself (with a little help from the Mike and Ikes she was eating). 

When she first told me she had a loose tooth and I checked it, I felt a little like I had been punched in the stomach. This girl is growing up fast. Before it came out she would come up to me about every 20 minutes, "Can you believe I have a loose tooth? How is it doing?" Her permanent teeth are almost all the way in already.

She wrote the tooth fairy a letter and got a tiny letter back. 

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