Since I Can't Freeze Time . . .
Last night as we put Macy to bed, we each gave her a kiss on the cheek and she returned the favor. This is a nightly ritual, but last night Macy's return kiss was an actual tight-lipped pucker. This is the first time her kiss was not a wide open, wet and slippery smacker. Luckily it was still accompanied by the enthusiastic "MMM-WUH!"
Of course, I love everything she learns and any progress she makes, but it did make me think of all the things she does right now that I don't want to forget.
So, Macy, here are some of the things you do that always make us smile:
1. When I hold or hug you, you pat me on the shoulder. You do the same for Dad.
2. Every time (and I mean every time) you see one of the cats throughout the day, you have to say and sign "cat" over and over.
3. When we hug you or you hug your dolls or animals, you say "nice, nice" in your sweetest tone.
4. From the time you were about 11 months old until you were 17 months or so, you had a little Beavis-and-Butthead-style laugh. That has now developed into a great fake laugh, complete with a full backward head toss. And your genuine laugh is musical.
5. You use your new phony laugh very liberally while talking on your toy cell phone (usually to Cousin Brady, whom you call "D").
6. You LOVE to jump and you'll sign and say "jump" as you hop again and again. You used to do this with a full-body upward heave but with the soles of your feet glued to the floor. Now you get enough air to clear two stacked dimes. See how you're already evolving?
7. Every time we get out of the car, you have to repeat "bye car, bye car" over and over.
8. You love to hold up your index finger, say "one, two, three, GO!," and then run as fast as you can. You have the bounciest run.
9. You LOVE the Bee Movie and you ask for it constantly by saying "sting, sting, sting" while poking your belly.
10. Whenever you hear certain songs (like the themes to Arrested Development, The Office, or Backyardigans), you drop whatever you're doing, smile big for a second, then dance like a maniac. When the song's over, you'll say "again, again" (or, more accurately, "geh, geh") then start the whole process over. If we're not quick enough, you go for the remote yourself.
11. When Dad gets home from work, you'll often grab everyone's fingers and pull us into the family room for a few rounds of "Ring Around the Rosies." You always stay upright until we've both collapsed and reminded you that you're supposed to fall too.
12. Whenever you drop something (usually on purpose), you put both hands on your head and say "oh no!"
13. You call yourself "C."
14. For this short time, we are still your favorite people and your eyes light up when you see us. We'll be so sad when this changes.
15. You are our favorite person, but we don't see that ever changing.
13. You call yourself "C."
14. For this short time, we are still your favorite people and your eyes light up when you see us. We'll be so sad when this changes.
15. You are our favorite person, but we don't see that ever changing.

It's a great list. Maybe the best thing about it is that it's far from exhaustive. Macy laughs when other people laugh (she's in on every joke) and she claps whenever she hears applause. When she sees sports on TV, she gets a really intense look on her face and yells "GO, GO!" She has been doing this since the NBA playoffs last year. I could go on and on . . .
I don't even have the words...this is priceless. I don't know if there is a more adored child in the universe. I love this little girl so much! I thought you said you didn't get any good pictures in her rainboots? These are all great! I love that skirt.
Just don't let her fall asleep watching the Bee movie!!
Check out Jamie Sampson photography. She takes the best pictures with rain boots.
Has Raime (Jamie, Jamison, JD, Brian) started calling her C-Ash yet? What about Cash?
Can't wait to see the Bee Box. Post a picture.
That was the sweetest tribute to her. It is so good to write down the things we love when they are little. You should frame it.
The best picture is the little lady with the rain boots. We love you all. Love, Mom I'm publishing under Andrea's name because I don't have one. Love, Mom
That is so sweet! She is so adorable. We love little Macy and her bouncy run.
The smile on her face in that last picture is priceless. What a fun, happy little girl. I need to spend more time with her. You tell her that I am not going to give up trying to get her to look me in the eyes.
I love your list; you need to know that Macy is blessed to have you and JD as her parents.
I love that she calls herself "C". How cute is that? I love this girl!
that is so sweet! what a great idea. love the photo with rain boots.
You are such a cute mom! What a fun idea...they grow way too fast!
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