Sunday, November 23, 2008

Emma and Joseph

Our Relief Society lesson was on the beautiful letters Joseph wrote to Emma. The letters showed so much love and tenderness. It was a wonderful view into their relationship.

Their lives were incredibly difficult. The trials they endured are unthinkable. I am so grateful for them both.

** The book available at Seagull and Deseret Book is made up of the actual letters. Our RS teacher said it is basically a duplicate of the lesson manual but has pretty pictures.


Heather Ashby November 25, 2008 at 8:40 AM  

Everytime I see the commercial for that new book about the love letters from Joseph and Emma I've thought I would want to read it. Then I also wondered if they were real letters or just a novel.

Sara November 25, 2008 at 1:48 PM  

I also loved that lesson. Joseph and Emma both sacrificed so much for the gospel.

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