Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veterans' Day

I am so grateful for the sacrifices of so many soldiers and their families to preserve the freedoms I often take for granted. I really can't imagine how scary it would be to go off to war or to send a loved one to war.

JD's grandma, Billie, was widowed in World War II when her husband JD Holzheauser was killed. She had a very young son at the time. JD's grandpa, Edward Kitch was JD Holzheauser's best friend in the service. They fought side by side in the war. Ed sought Billie out when he returned and they fell in love and were married. Even though there was a happy ending to her story, when I think of Billie hearing the news that her little boy had lost his dad, I am reminded of just how much veterans and their families have given up for all of us. (The picture above is of JD and Ed.)

My Grandpa Alma also fought in World War II as a fighter pilot. He and my grandma were married soon after meeting because he was going off to war. That's about as much detail as I know, but I plan to learn more.


Anonymous November 12, 2008 at 8:36 AM  

What a romantic story. It's like the movie Pearl Harbor.

Katie November 12, 2008 at 11:23 AM  

I've never seen that picture before. I love it! In fact I think I'm stealing it.

I was a little confused when I first read that the picture was of JD and Ed because I was thinking of my brother JD. Now that would be cool photoshopping!

Sara November 12, 2008 at 3:48 PM  

I love the photo. I'm enjoying your daily gratitude posts.

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